The Mononofruits are a Japanese rock band formed in the deep south of Yokohama City in summer 1999.
Tommy Iko (vocal/songwriting) and Minoru Midrivers (guitars) have been the band's continual members.
They were classmates in high school and trying to embody "The Belated Summer of Love" of a 30-years delay with a feeling of the apocalypse.
The Mononofruits was named for "the root and fruition of the soul of SAMURAI (mononofu)" when Iko was absorbed in "Bushido the soul of Japan"
They are currently involved in an illusory American music in Tokyo after a repeated break from work due to band’s member change.

The Mononofruits are:

Tommy Iko (song write/vocal)

Minoru Midrivers (guitar)

Hassy hashimottau (fender bass)

- 1999年、夏。終末感が漂う中、30年遅れのサマー・オブ・ラブを体現すべく